Goran Vejvoda (fr) + Florence Müller (fr)

All sounds considered 2 (film documentaire)

mardi 7 mai


États-Unis/France (VOST)
52 mn

ASC explore sans dogme la relation entre son et silence. Le film montre les nombreuses facettes de ce domaine de la création artistique qui fait du son la matière. Goran Vejvoda et Florence Müller nous ouvrent les oreilles et donnent la parole aux acteurs de cette scène artistique, variant les points de vue pour témoigner de la multiplicité de leurs idées.
Avec une approche libre et non linéaire, le film prend différentes directions et s’intéresse aux instruments, machines, publications, performances, expositions pour dévoiler la richesse du « son », un domaine artistique autant séduisant qu’intrigant.

avec Charles Amirkhanian, Jaap Blonk, Bill Fontana, Ellen Fullman, Max Neuhaus, Joan Labarbara, Bernhard Leitner, Barbara London, Torturing Nurse, Aki Onda, David Toop, John Schaefer, Pierre Schaeffer, Guy Schraenen, Akio Suzuki, Peter Vogel, Pamela Z, Christian Zanesi…

All Sounds Considered (ASC) explores the state of – Sound & Silence – without dogmas and preconceived theories.The film shows some of the various facets that make up this fascinating domain. Produced & directed by sound artist Goran Vejvoda & curator Florence Müller, the idea is to lend an open ear, to what actors of this versatile scene have to say.
Through various points of view, ASC witnesses the multiplicity of strategies, ideas and creations. In a modular and non-chronological approach, this “free-cumentary” leads us on a ballad, that spins in various directions with curiosity and looks into certain elements that constitute this vast panorama. Artists, books, exhibitions, performances, interviews, instruments & machines… help us discover the world of contemporary sonic media.
In two episodes ASC delves into – Sounds – that feature a variety of innovating postures and approaches that artists, researchers and inventors have come up with on their quest. Focusing on the realm of audio perspectives and its iterations, this voyage into the world of multiple ways of working with a medium, that when it goes off the beaten track can irritate as much as it can profoundly seduce.
Sound as a medium.
Sound as a medium in art.
Directed & Produced by

Video format: Colour – 16/9
Audio format: Stereo & 5.1
Year: 2017
Part 1 – 52 min / Part 2 – 45min
Country: France / USA
Subtitles: English or French
Promoted by AM,
sound design agency for fashion and art,
Charles Amirkhanian, Jaap Blonk, Bill Fontana,
Ellen Fullman, Max Neuhaus, Joan Labarbara,
Bernhard Leitner, Barbara London, Torturing Nurse,
Aki Onda, David Toop, John Schaefer, Pierre Schaeffer,
Guy Schraenen, Akio Suzuki, Peter Vogel,
Pamela Z, Christian Zanesi and more.

Ecole supérieure d'arts et médias de caen/cherbourg (1)